*Gasp*! You’re looking at KOUGRadio.org and it’s….beautiful! It’s fresh, new, and clean, you say to yourself. You say that you want everyone you know to see this site, for everyone to bask in its glory! You ask yourself who could’ve created such a magnificent piece of art. Whoever they are, they must be charming, talented, and destined for greatness.
Thank you, thank you, I know. You’re too kind.
Anywho, self-serving fantasies aside, I am pretty proud of how this site looks now. When I took over as Station Manager in late 2022, our website was gone. During the Great Hiatus that KOUG went through, our domain expired, and so we just….didn’t have anything for a while. Once I got my team going in January 2023, I got to work with Greg Philbrook to try to find the old website files buried in BlueHost once we secured a new domain, this time with a snazzy .org instead of a .com (the .com site is now full of ads and viruses, probably). After WEEKS of looking, we finally found it, but it was a shadow of the site’s former glory. The only things that got saved were the old logos and the text on each page. Since we were busy trying to reboot everything about KOUG, I did a band-aid fix and made the site functional, but certainly not pretty.
That being said, I’m a DTC major with a focus in web design. Even though editing the website isn’t technically in my job description, the old site haunted me. KOUG lives online, and it wasn’t putting its best foot forward. Winter Break comes in to the rescue! I have finally had time to sit down and learn how to use WordPress well enough to make something presentable. I found a cool theme built by Shufflehound called “Lemmony” that I liked the look of and ran with it, though I did heavily edit a lot of the patterns it gave me. And thus the new site was born.
It’s not perfect, for sure. In fact, if you find any bugs or anything you think looks weird, please feel free to email me at koug.radiomanager@wsu.edu.
That’s all for today, thanks for reading! Oh, and Happy New Year!!
Kylie Sickles <3